
How to Structure Fitness Team Meetings | Christa Gurka

Sep 08, 2021

I’ve been talking a lot about the importance of your team lately, so you probably already know why I’m such a big advocate of them. Whether you have a team of 1 or 100, one thing...

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How I Built My Team: The Good, The Bad, and The Lessons I Learned

Aug 25, 2021

I firmly believe that having a team is the number one thing you need to have in your business. This sounds daunting for some people, but here is the good news: you don’t need an army to have...

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How to Prepare for a Successful Fitness Photo Shoot

fitness photo shoot Aug 10, 2021

You have the business plan, the clientele, and the love for fitness. Now, all your business needs is that final piece of the puzzle: a terrific photoshoot. 

Yep, you read that right: a...

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3 Things To Consider Before Hiring Someone New For Your Business

Jul 28, 2021

Your baby’s all grown up; it just happens so fast, doesn’t it? One moment, you’re starting a business from your basement or a shared studio. The next, you have a roster of...

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Tools You Really Need To Run Your Business

tools you need to run your business Jul 13, 2021

Does technology overwhelm you? Would you love to have more efficient systems in your studio or with clients, but the thought of learning a new system makes you cringe?

Thankfully, you don’t...

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How to Boost SEO for Your Fit Biz

boost seo Jul 11, 2021

You have put a lot of time and energy (and maybe even money) into your website. It’s full of thoughtful content and easy booking options that people should love, but there’s one thing...

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Mid-Year Business Review

business review Jun 16, 2021

If you’ve followed me for a while, you know that we do quarterly reviews for both my coaching business and my Pilates studio. The end of June is the end of Q2 — it’s also halfway...

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Shifting Money Mindset for Success

entrepreneurs money mindset spending success Jun 01, 2021

How you think about money affects sales, salary, spending, and everything in between. It’s super important to understand your relationship with money — and to dig a bit deeper. 


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Removing the Taboo: Mental Health & Business Ownership

business mental health mental health awareness May 17, 2021

This week, I did something I don’t know if many other business owners would do. I went on my podcast and talked about mental health and my personal journey for Mental Health Awareness...

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Insurance for Studios & Gyms

insurance May 04, 2021


Insurance...What You Need, What You Don't Need To Protect Your Business, Your Employees and Your Customers with Luis Gazitua.


When you start your business, you’re probably...

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Whatโ€™s Social Proof โ€” and How Can It Help Your Biz Grow?

content marketing digital marketing marketing marketing strategy online marketing Apr 20, 2021

Did you know over 75% of customers read reviews, testimonials, and case studies? Did you ALSO know that 88% of people trust reviews as much as personal recommendations?? Those are just a few...

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The #1 Mistake Health & Wellness Pros Make With Paid Ads

digital marketing facebook ads online marketing Apr 06, 2021

Does it feel like you’re doing everything you can to let people know what you can do for them… and you’re not getting enough calls, people in the door, or online bookings? I get...

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