Imperfect Action
Mar 01, 2020
Have you ever stopped to think how much of your day is spent on nit-picking rather than focusing on higher payoff tasks? In the pursuit of perfect quality control, are you becoming more of a passive thinker rather than an active leader and doer?
In the context of perfectionism, the words “analysis paralysis” bares great truth. Our job as leaders is not to obsess over details, but to lead our company towards our vision.
Don’t get me wrong, perfectionism is a quality of many successful entrepreneurs. But contrary to popular belief, it is not 100% constructive, and can sometimes even be destructive without our knowing.
Here’s why this mindset is worth revisiting and possibly even reworking.
I believe it was Harry Truman that said “Imperfect Action beats Perfect Inaction every time”.
Many entrepreneurs suffer from perfectionism. I know that I did for many many years. It is usually what makes most of us successful from the get-go. However, continuing with this strategy will surely stifle your growth potential. And again I can attest to this firsthand,
There will never be a perfect time to launch a new product or release your upcoming podcast. Your graphics and editorial content will never be perfect. And if you are waiting for things to be perfect, you better get comfortable where you are because you will be in this exact same place year after year. Taking action will actually create the clarity you need to move the needle in your business.
So, show up, take action, even as imperfect as it may seem right now.