Female emPOWERED

A podcast for female fitness & wellness professionals like YOU

Female emPOWERED

A podcast for female fitness & wellness professionals like YOU

Episode 178: How to perform your own quarterly review plus a breakdown of my Q1 results

Episode 178: How to perform your own quarterly review plus a breakdown of my Q1 results

Hi guys! Welcome back to another episode of The Female Empowered Podcast. In this episode, I will go over how you can do a quarterly review for your business. Plus, I will be sharing with you a breakdown of my Quarter 1 results.


Why A Quarterly Review Is Important


If you are currently not doing a quarterly review, I encourage you to do it. Quarterly reviews will allow you to see what the future looks like for your business.


You can make changes on how you run your business depending on the quarterly reviews. You can also already see what other goals you need to hit in the coming quarters if you have the previous quarter to base the data from.


So, if you want to know more of how we do our quarterly reviews so you can learn a thing or two and apply it to your business, listen to this podcast!


Let’s discuss:

  • Introduction to the topic
  • The first thing that my team and I do for the quarterly reviews
  • My revenue goal for Quarter 1
  • My profit margin for Quarter 1
  • What the quarter 1 reviews mean for the next quarters
  • Quarterly reviews don’t mean just looking at revenue
  • What we need to do if we want to stay at a certain profit
  • Reviewing why some goals flunk and understanding how to do them better
  • Difficult decisions you have to do for the betterment of the business
  • The Inner Circle Program and one-on-one coaching could help you with your Quarterly Reviews
  • Parting words: If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it


Looking for advice and resources to help you market and grow your clinic or client based business? Visit my website or follow me on Instagram!


Links mentioned in this episode:


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Interested in being a guest on a future Female Friday episode? Email me at Christa@pilatesinthegrove.com!

Download Episode 178 Here