Female emPOWERED

A podcast for female fitness & wellness professionals like YOU

Female emPOWERED

A podcast for female fitness & wellness professionals like YOU

Episode 139: Everything You Need to Know About HR to Run a Sustainable and Legal Boutique Fitness and Wellness Biz with Katie Santos

Episode 139: Everything You Need to Know About HR to Run a Sustainable and Legal Boutique Fitness and Wellness Biz with
Katie Santos

Here is another episode of Female emPOWERED! I talked to Katie Santos for this week’s episode of #FemaleFounder. We shared about what you need to know about Human Resources to run a sustainable and legal boutique fitness and wellness business.


As business owners, we already kind of know that we need Human Resources and it is an important part of any business, but we don’t have any idea what we’re doing. Unfortunately, we reach out to someone who offers specialization in Human Resources once we’ve already encountered a problem.


How I Knew Katie

I’ve known Katie for several years now through Pilates and we’re on opposite sides of the country. She is a wealth of information that’s why I asked her to come and talk in the podcast to share what she knows with you guys.
For Katie’s HR company, it has been up and running for four to five years now since many laws in California changed. People started reaching out to her since she has a lot of clients who are boutique fitness and wellness business owners.


Tune in to this week’s episode because I promise you that you’ll learn so much with Katie and her vast knowledge of Human Resources. She’s been a consultant for so many years now so her experiences are definitely something we can learn from!


In this episode we discuss: 

  • How Katie started her wellness-related businesses
  • How Katie began her consultancy and Human Resources business called Fitness HR
  • My experience with a legal issue in my business and how I transitioned my business with HR
  • Katie on having a team where you mentor each other
  • The differences between Department of Labor and IRS
  • How draining it can be if business owners do not know what they’re doing legally
  • How business owners should see relationships with independent contractors  
  • The costs of transition from independent contractors to employees
  • How you can deal with independent contractors who you want to transition as employees
  • Benefits you can offer when transitioning
  • Being organized in your business
  • The importance of having open dialogue with people you work with
  • The difference between exempt and non-exempt employees
  • The benefits for business owners when they have employees instead of independent contractors
  • What you should know about non-compete clauses
  • Having a non-disclosure agreement
  • The services that Katie offers
  • Outsourcing some aspects of your business like HR


Learn more about Katie and how she can help you with your HR needs for your business at fitnesshr.com!


Looking for advice and resources to help you market and grow your clinic or client based business? Visit my website or follow me on Instagram!


Links mentioned in this episode:


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Interested in being a guest on a future Female Friday episode? Email me at Christa@pilatesinthegrove.com!

Download Episode 139 Here