Can’t attend live? You can purchase replays for just $19/each or $47 for all four.

Want to START your biz?
Stop worrying about how to start a business. Forget Googling. We’ve got the exact checklist every business owner needs before they open their doors.
Together with my Head of Operations, Steve Moore, we’ll show you exactly what you need to get started so you can stop spinning your wheels and start moving. We’ve been right where you are and can help!

Wondering what you MUST know before you hire?
Ready to hire your first person? Who should that be? How many hours should you offer them? Should you hire a contractor or an employee?
It’s all so confusing! That’s why I’ll be covering what you need to know about employees vs. contractors, interviews, contracts and non-competes, onboarding new team members, and leading a team.

How to turn ONE content into five in mere seconds
You know that you need to create engaging content to grow your reach and get new clients in the door. But creating all that content is overwhelming.
It doesn’t have to be though! I’ll show you how to repurpose content so that you can get your name out there more, without working 24/7 on your marketing. Let’s turn that ONE idea into 5 pieces of awesome content!

Not sure what tech or tools to use?
When your business starts to grow, you need software and other tools to manage it all. But which tools do you need and how can you make sure they work smoothly?
In this masterclass, my Head of Operations, Steve Moore, will walk through the types of tech you might need and give guidance on using tools without confusion. No more tech stress, just better systems!
You can access this training at ANY time here for FREE!
Watch this recorded masterclass any time for free!
Can’t attend live? No problem!
You can purchase a recording of a single masterclass below for just $19 — or you can purchase ALL FOUR for just $47. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars’ worth of insights in these trainings.
If you’re a healthcare, wellness, or movement professional starting or scaling a business, you’ll want access to these trainings. Plus, you can buy all four now and reference them again and again.

“Awesome, I want to watch the replay of...”
“I want to attend live for free. Where do I sign up”
In case you missed it above, you can register here for each of the 4 masterclasses: